Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Connect website using multiple logins in Firefox

If incase you have multiple logins for a single website and you need to access both within single instance Firefox browser then Multifox is an extension you are looking for. For example if you have 2 Gmail accounts then you need to log off from 1 of the accounts to access the other account within same Firefox instance. Multifox makes it possible to access all your Gmail accounts at once within the same instance without interfering the other account.

Multifox adds commands to Firefox's context menu to start a New Identity Window.

Each Multifox window is flagged with a number indicating the identity profile. Logins made in windows with different numbers are isolated.
If you need to access 5 Gmail accounts you will need 5 windows with different identity profiles.

Multifox also prevents the identity profile of each window when Firefox restores the sessions

Click here to download Multifox for Firefox