Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Securely deliver files upto 4GB

Everyone needs to share personal files with family, friends or business files with colleagues which can be personal and need to be shared securely. The options available are using FTP clients, Zip Utilities, Encryption programs to encrypt if the data is sensitive and using download managers etc.

Its cumbersome to go through all this and send the files. Moreover many email clients do not allow you to send files as attachments over 10MB.

Civil Netizen is a free application for personal and professional use which not only sends large files but also makes sure that your files are secure by encrypting them using 128-bit AES encryption.

When to use Civil Netizen instead of e-mail attachments
Choose Civil Netizen when your files are either

Seriously Big
4GBCivil Netizen can handle files and folders up to 4GB in total size. It also preserves the folder structure you have designed.

Seriously Sensitive
AES All file transfer traffic is secured end-to-end between senders and recipients using 128-bit AES encryption.

Seriously Important
< ! 
>The built-in download manager resumes any interrupted transfers and keeps trying until your files are delivered.

How to send files using Civil Netizen
The first step to send a file is create a parcel. Just drag and drop the files to be sent into a parcel. Civil Netizen compresses your files and retains the folder structure.

Once the parcel is created you only need to email or IM the pick up slip to the recipient. Pick up slip is usually 8 lines of text.

The recipient can copy the pickup slip text or use the pickup slip to download the file directly from your computer

Once the download is complete Civil Netizen unpacks the parcel to the specified folder

You can even Track the status of the parcels using Track Status

To conclude Civil Netizen is a nice application to share files securely using your network.

Click here to download Civil Netizen for Windows PC
Click here to download Civil Netizen for Mac OS X