It happens when you need to find out the reason behind things not working on your machine whose possible reason could be with the port being blocked. At such times we need to first make sure whether the port is actually blocked and if yes what is blocking it. Port Detective does this work simply for us.
Port Detective uses the latest in Internet technology when it comes to figuring out what ports on YOUR
computer or router are Blocked, In-Use or restricted. Port Detective is much different from other port
scanner programs. Typical port scanners are designed for scanning other peoples ports (Computers other
than your own), or they only tell you what ports are open on the local host (Your Local PC, Not your ISP too).
Port Detective gives you the Plain and Simple results on what ports are open, blocked or in use by your router or firewall. It can even detect what ports are blocked by your Internet Service provider! This free service allows Cable modem or xDSL users to instantly get an idea on what ports their ISP may block, so they know what Internet Services they can run.
Starting with Port Detective
1. Download and install Port Detective (link below)
2. Once you have it installed, start the application and click Ok on the Warning message displayed
Port Detective makes it real easy for you to find out the ports issue by displaying simple result after great analysis.
Download Port Detective now
Good post Zahir
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