Dropbox has become an essential part to store, organize and sync your files between computers. If you are still not aware of what Dropbox is continue reading Organize, Synchronize, Share, Backup files using Dropbox.
With all the great features Dropbox has, one of its wonderful feature is integrity with 3rd party applications which gives developers a chance to build on applications to extend Dropbox.
Similarly an application named Drop It To Me has extended Dropbox using which people can store files in your Dropbox. It is completely secure as you need to supply the password for Drop It To Me application to your friends and not for Dropbox. Your friends can only upload files to that location but can never see the contents of that location which makes it secure enough.
The application can simply help us avoid sending emails with large attachments, pictures, videos, etc. and simply uploading them to friends Dropbox folder.
Start using Drop It To Me
Just type in http://www.dropitto.me/ in your web browser and hit Enter
Click Get Dropbox if you do not have a Dropbox account. Considering that you have a Dropbox Account just hit Register button to connect DROPitTOme to your Dropbox account. On the next screen after clicking Register provide your Dropbox login details.
The application needs permission to connect to your Dropbox. Click Allow to grant permission to the application to interact with your Dropbox account.
Once you grant the permission, create a login id and password for DROPitTOme. Note the password and username can be different than yout Dropbox account.
You get a URL after registering with DROPitTOme which can be used to upload files to your Dropbox. Make sure you note down the URL so that you can share it with your friends.
You also need to provide the password for DROPitTOme account to your friends for them to upload the files using the URL mentioned.
Just navigate to your Drop It To Me URL and insert the password and hit Login.
Upon successful login, users can simply click Choose File, select the file to be uploaded and hit Upload button to start uploading.
A success message gets displayed once the upload gets completed. Do not close the browser window till you do not receive the Success message.
You can check the uploaded files using Drop It To Me in your Dropbox Account under DROPitTOme folder.
Dropbox has always been a great application to share, sync, organize your files and DROPitTOme adds on to its capabilities wonderfully. It just adds one more option to send large files to your friends instantly.
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