Monday, November 30, 2009

Google Wave Invitation

As we all know, Google Wave is the new buzz and almost everyone is looking to get an account for Google Wave Preview. Google for now is taking registrations and sending the invites to the one's who register. But, it takes months to receive the invite after you register. Luckily, I got one invite from Google and after some days I was able to Invite my friends to Wave. I still have a handful of invites left on my account. It seems that Google is now planning to expand its Wave network as it is providing the Google Invitation to as many people as possible.
I hope you get your invites soon and enjoy Waving.


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for sending me the invitation.

ZK said...

Use Google Wave carefully during the testing period

Google Wave promises a lot of online collaborative capabilities that appeal to the more technically oriented among us. But like any other new, online service, don’t get so carried away that you forget about privacy and security risks.

Zahir Khan said...

Agreed as it is still in Beta Testing. But once this is out of testing it would be secure and fun to deal with :)

Anonymous said...

Can you please send me the invite at my id

Zahir Khan said...

Kranti - I have sent you the Google Wave Invite. Have fun waving :)